1. Set the goal of your vlog
Decide what teaching tip you will share. If you have more than one you want to share, make sure they are submitted as separate vlogs.
2. Outline what you want to tell the audience
Write out the most important details you want your audience to know. Share your teaching tip, how best to implement it, and why you think this topic is important.
3. Set up to record your vlog
Follow the suggestions for capturing high-quality video:
4. Before starting, keep a few things in mind

● Make it fun and inspirational.
● Strive to create a vlog that is at most 5 minutes max.
● Speak loudly and confidently.
● And don’t worry about being perfect; we can edit out any imperfections later.

5. Begin by introducing yourself
Tell the audience who you are, what you do, and a little about yourself. Keep this section brief.
6. Share your teaching tip
Make sure you cover all your main points.
7. Then, you can go ahead and submit your video vlog using the space provided.